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Guide: Migrating from Another Authenticator to Termii Go

As online security continues to be a top priority, individuals are seeking reliable methods to enhance the protection of their digital assets. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become a cornerstone of online security, and one popular implementation of 2FA is Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) authentication. A Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) is a temporary code that changes every 30 seconds, used for secure logins. Think of it as a secret message that expires quickly, making it harder for digital intruders to access your accounts. 
If you've been using another authenticator for TOTP-based 2FA and are looking to migrate to a more comprehensive solution like TermiiGo, this step-by-step guide will help you seamlessly transition while maintaining the security of your accounts.

Why Consider Migrating to TermiiGo:

Termii Go is a product created by Africans and for Africans which means we have taken into account all your needs.
Imagine a scenario where you're out of your home country, and you need a TOTP code to gain access to any of your digital accounts, but accessing local SIMs for SMS is a challenge. All you need to do is to log into your TermiiGo App and you'll receive your TOTP codes seamlessly whether or not you have access to local SIMs.

TermiiGo isn't just your typical 2FA authenticator. It has a host of other features.
Picture this – all your OTPs and product notifications from all your favourite brands neatly organized in one place: the TermiiGo App.
And that's not all – we're gearing up to launch a new feature which aids two-way communication between you and your favourite brands.

What If You Lose Your Phone?

Our support channels are on standby to assist you in regaining access to your accounts promptly. Plus, we have a web version that you can use temporarily until you gain access to your mobile device.

Step 1: Install TermiiGo:

Visit your device's app store (Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iOS).
Search for "TermiiGo" and install the app.
Launch the app and follow the initial setup instructions.

Credit Source: App Store

Step 2: Prepare Your Accounts:

Open the authenticator you currently use and identify the accounts you currently have linked.
For each account, navigate to the settings or security section where 2FA is configured.
Look for an option to change or disable 2FA (which will temporarily disable your current TOTP).
Ensure you have an alternate recovery method, such as backup codes or a secondary email, to regain access in case of any issues.

Revolutionizing Fintech: Chippercash and Termii's Path to Customer-Centric Excellence

Revolutionizing Fintech: Chippercash and Termii's Path to Customer-Centric Excellence

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial technology, one company stands out for its unwavering commitment to providing seamless, accessible, and affordable financial services across Africa—Chippercash. With a user base exceeding five million customers and a vision to revolutionize financial transactions and services, Chippercash embarked on a journey to enhance customer engagement, streamline communication, and ensure that users have access to reliable and timely information.

5 Essential Social Media Security Guidelines

We live in the "Internet age" where we spend a considerable amount of time online, therefore, protecting our online identity is non-negotiable. Nobody should be able to have access to sensitive information about us or steal our identity online. Sadly, many have been victims of others having unauthorized access to their social media accounts. Here are five social media guidelines to help you protect your online presence.

Keep Your Apps Safe: A Simple Guide to Using Termii Go for Secure Authentication

In a digital age where cyber threats are ever-evolving, ensuring the security of our online accounts has become more critical than ever. TermiiGo, the all-in-one communication app, offers a seamless solution to protect your valuable digital assets through  TOTP Authentication. In this guide, we'll take you through the simple steps of using TermiiGo to secure your favourite online platforms like Twitter and Paystack, but it works for any site that offers 2-way authentication.

Winning Customer Loyalty: Insights from the Termii Elevate Conference 2.0

The recent Termii Elevate Conference 2023 brought together industry experts to discuss one of the fundamental pillars of business success: customer loyalty. With the understanding that customers are the lifeline of every business, the first panel session focused on exploring effective strategies for acquiring and retaining customers. The topic of discussion, "Winning Customer Loyalty: Proven Communication Strategies for Startups and SMEs," provided valuable insights into fostering customer loyalty and enhancing customer retention. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the highlights shared by the panelists during this insightful session.

Leveraging User-Generated Content:
Chika, a seasoned salesperson specializing in B2B software, stressed the power of user-generated content (UGC) as a means to attract and retain customers. By showcasing real experiences and testimonials from satisfied customers, businesses can build authenticity and trust. Engaging customers through interviews, short interactions, and blog features not only highlights their voices but also encourages potential customers to choose your brand over competitors.